
Saturday 29 August 2015

Top Tracks of The Month - August Edition!!!

Happy Saturday Guys!!!!
I finally uploaded a new blog post!!! This posts is the August Edition of my top tracks of the month, songs that I have just been listening to over and over again this past month, some are new releases, some not but here are my favourite tracks this month. 
Remember if you do want to follow my blog or Me on Social Media, I'm on Twitter, BlogLovin', We Heart It and Instagram. Links are above. I will be making a facebook page soon which I will let you all know about once its been set up.

  1. Fly Away by 5 Seconds of Summer - Again my favourite band makes the number one spot on my top tracks of the month. I can't help it, their songs are just Amazing. This one in particular is just really catchy, and is just a great song to listen to. I can't wait for their new album to be released at the end of October. It's gonna be a good one!!!
  2. Road Between by Lucy Hale - This has just recently been added onto my Ipod and I can't stop listening to it. It's a beautiful ballad type song, The lyrics are just amazing. Lucy has an incredible voice. I love her as Aria in Pretty Little Liars, and I love her album, Road Between. If you haven't heard any of her songs yet, I suggest you do because they are awesome. 
  3. Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler - My final pick of the month is one of those songs that's an absolute classic. It's such a powerful song, the drum solo in it is incredible, and overall its just brilliant. 
What are your top tracks this month? Let me know via Twitter or in the comments below. 

Thanks for reading. I'll be back again soon with another post. 


Katie xoxo

Wednesday 12 August 2015

My 20th Birthday!!! :D

Hey Lovely People Out there!!!!!
So yesterday was the day I celebrated living on this planet for twenty years...I know, I don't look it but officially I am 20 years old. Someone said to me they thought I looked like a 13 year old...I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. 

Anyway I thought I would tell you all what I did yesterday to celebrate. I honestly didn't do much in the morning, I slept in as I'd had most of my presents last weekend, and went to the library for an hour or so and had a walk round town. In the Afternoon, My Dad picked me up and we spent a couple of hours in Manchester, had some lunch, and did quite a bit of shopping for birthday presents. I got to pick out some things that I had been wanting for a while, such as season 1 of Pretty Little Liars. I've seen the odd episode, and I really want to get into it, so mum and I are gonna binge watch it and pick up the other seasons as we go. As mum was working during the day, we spent the evening in our local Wetherspoons, having a couple of cocktails and some yummy food. I am not nursing a small hangover....but all is well. 

If you want me to do a post featuring some of the things I got for my birthday then please let me know in the comments below or on twitter. I also just want to say a huge thankyou for all the birthday messages I received from my friends and family on Social Media. 

I'll be back soon with another post. 

Monday 10 August 2015

15 ways to smile!!

Hi, to all of you lovely readers of my blog!
Today's post is a little bit different. I've decided to put together a little list of 15 different ways to put a smile on your face every single day. Lets get started....
  1. Watch your favourite TV Show or Movie 
  2. Bake something! It can be anything from cupcakes to a big cake for all to share. 
  3. Have a chat with a good friend or reconnect with an old one. ~ I did this yesterday and I'm happy I did :) Shoutout to Jazzy! 
  4. Learn a new skill! Something you have never done before but wanted to try, such as a new sport, a new style of dance, or even photography. 
  5. Help Somebody Out! Doing this always boosts our happiness levels and smiliness!! :D
  6. Turn a negative thought into a positive one! Whenever you feel down, try and turn that negative feeling into a positive one!
  7. Believe in yourself!
  8. Create a playlist of all your favourite songs and dance like no-one is watching :)
  9. Watch your favourite vloggers or read your favourite blogs. Mine are Zoella, Tanya Burr, Sprinkle of Glitter, Tyler Oakley, Bethany Mota, Pixiwoo, ThatcherJoe, Casper Lee, Jim Chapman, and PointlessBlog
  10. Tell someone you love them! This could be a family member, friend, or even the person your in a relationship with. 
  11. Make a new friend! This can be someone who is the complete opposite to you, or you have the same things in common. 
  12. Doodle or Draw! When I do this, I tend to sketch out potential jewellery designs...
  13. Avoid Negative People
  14. Read a book that you love! The books that I'd recommend are the Harry Potter Books and the Selection Series by Kiera Cass. 
  15. Finally, write down ten positive feelings, thoughts or quotes, onto post-it notes, and stick them in random places where you can always see them 

That's it for today. I'll be back on August 12th with another blog post. Tomorrow is my 20th Birthday so I'll be blogging about that on Wednesday. Be sure to follow me on my social media. 

Write soon, 
Katie xoxo

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Hello August!!!

My,My, My!! It's been a while since I last wrote, but I am back and there WILL be plenty of blog posts throughout this month.
First things first though, August, you have got to sort your weather priorities out Matey! You're a summer month for Merlin's sake not flippin Winter! We need sunshine, not rain!!!
On another note, August is a month of birthdays for my family. My Dad's birthday was a couple fo days ago, so happy birthday to him (the old git) Love Ya Dad! Next is my gorgeous cousin Abbi's 18th, then mine on August 11th, then my cousin Jack's 20th near the end of the month.
The thing with Jack and I though, is that we were born in the same year, I'm exactly two weeks old, yet he's flipping taller than me. (Well, it's easy for anyone to be taller than me as I'm only 5'2)

Please keep a look out on the blog, as well as my twitter and instagram for when the new posts are up. I do want to do a Q+A post this month so please send any questions with the #AskKatie on twitter. Be sure to follow my social media. I'll be back soon.

Katie xoxo